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The Dog Mentor - Mylo

Mylo joined St Katherine's School and Nursery in May 2021. He is having a positive impact on children, staff and parents.  Mylo being in school has improved behaviour and concentration, reduced stress and has improved self-esteem for both children and staff. 

Mylo spent the day with Jenny - The Dog Mentor Trainer and Miss Aikenhead. They learnt together how to be a Dog Mentor.  Mylo learnt many new skills and after a full day's training and assessment by Jenny, Mylo passed, gaining his silver award, orange jacket and lead - well done Mylo!

St Katherine’s community are SO very proud of you!

The Dog Mentor programme, which gives children positive experiences with dogs that help them educationally, developmentally, emotionally and socially.

Happy 2nd Birthday Mylo!

 Can you believe that Mylo was 2 on Sunday 19th March 2023 – A big happy 2nd Birthday to Mylo! 

The Dog Mentor Gold Award

Congratulations to Mylo on gaining The Dog Mentor Gold Award for the positive impact he has in school for both children and staff.       

Thank you to The Dog Mentor team for supporting us through this.

Mylo Reading Club

The children love their 'Mylo Reading Club' time on a Wednesday. Mylo loves listening to the children read.


Get in touch

St Katherine’s School & Nursery
St Katherine’s Lane, Snodland,
Kent, ME6 5EJ

01634 240061